Date: 2022-01-22


1. General software development skills

Technology Junior Middle Senior Lead
Git + + + +
HTTP/HTTPS + + + +
dotnet CLI ? + + +
RESTful, RESTlike - ? + +
Problem solving skills ? + + +

2. C# and CLR

Technology Junior Middle Senior Lead
C# basics. ref/val. Boxing/unboxing + + + +
throw vs throw ex ? + + +
GC, SOH, LOH ? + + +
async/await. How to use + + + +
async/await. What's inside ? + + +
async/await. Synchronization context ? ? + +
Mutliprogramming ? + + +
Thread Pool - + + +
Reflection - ? + +
Expressions - ? + +
Collections ? + + +

3. Design patterns

Technology Junior Middle Senior Lead
SOLID ? + + +
Inheritance vs Aggregation ? + + +
GoF patterns - ? + +
Patterns. Proxy vs Facade - ? + +
Cohesion vs coupling ? + + +
DRY + + + +

4. Software architecture

Technology Junior Middle Senior Lead
Microservices ? + + +
N-tier vs Onion ? + + +
CQRS ? + + +
Event Sourcing ? + + +
TDD - ? + +
DDD Hexagonal ? + + +
Bounded context - ? + +
Ubiqutous language - ? + +
Circuit braker - ? + +
Data streaminag (e.g. Kafka/Kinesis) - ? + +
OAuth2.0 - ? + +
Background Scheduling. Coravel, Hangfire - ? + +

5. API clients and Communications

Technology Junior Middle Senior Lead
GraphQL - ? + +
gRPC - ? + +
SignalR - ? + +
Message Brokers - ? + +

6. Data structure and algorithms

Technology Junior Middle Senior Lead
Hash table - ? + +
Big(O) - ? + +
Aggregation - ? + +
Composition - ? + +
Sorting - ? + +
Search - ? + +
B-Tree - ? + +


Technology Junior Middle Senior Lead
Middlewares ? + + +
Filters and Attributes ? + + +
Routing ? + + +
Application settings and Configuration ? + + +
Authentication, Authorization + + + +
Exception handling ? + + +
Cache approaches ? + + +
DI Containers ? + + +
DI Service Lifetimes ? + + +

8. Caching