Check connection with candidate. Name yourself. State purpose, length (1 hour), and structure of this “technical conversation”. Structure: general talk, theoretical questions, English talk, candidate’s questions.
[ ] Difference between for and foreach keywords.
Follow-up: when using foreach, can you modify a collection that you are iterating through?
[ ] Difference between while and do…while loops.
[ ] What access modifiers do you know?
[ ] How are “break” and “continue” keywords used in loops?
[ ] How to handle exceptions in C# ?
Follow-up: how does scheme with two catch blocks work?
[ ] What is result of (true || false && false) ?
[ ] Difference between overridden method and overloaded method.
[ ] Difference between static and non-static constructor.
[ ] Difference between “ref” and “out” parameter modifiers.
[ ] How is “lock” keyword used?
Follow-up: what should not be used as argument for “lock”?
[ ] How to call method or constructor of the parent class?
[ ] What is extension method?
Follow-up: why can’t you just use partial?
[ ] Difference between abstract class and interface.
Follow-up: when to use what?
[ ] Difference among “is”, “as” and casting (explicit conversion).
[ ] What can you tell about generic types, methods and delegates in C# ?
Follow-up: how “where” keyword is used?